Thanks to the generosity of a supporter named Olivia, Annie was given some money by India Direct to help a poor family get back on their feet. She had a long list of families to choose from, all living below the poverty line. Annie thought carefully, discussing and looking through the list, speaking to people, trying to find out about their real life situation. In the midst of her busy schedule, she decided to visit one family from the list.
Their Story
Two of the six children are at Joy home. The family lives in a small tiled-roof house, belonging to their grand-parents. It has only one room, with a single light. They cook in the corner of the room. The roof is damaged and so are the bare brick side walls.In the rainy season, the whole house is drenched and flooded and the children and their mother sometimes go and sleep in their neighbours’ house. They are often homeless after the rains.
The father was the bread winner of the family, working in a company where he had to lift sacks of grain. One day, at work, a large, heavy bag fell on him, and he fractured his neck. He became bed ridden, and so was unable to work and to earn.
The mother started to work as house-maid, earning rps.30 (30p) a day, with which she had to feed her children,
and take care of her husband. The money was not enough to feed them, and they were struggling to live, without daily food, clothes, education or access to medical care.
They were called to Joy home for a discussion about what they could do to make a living. It was decided to help them to set up a small shop.
It cost around £600 to set them up (they cost of keeping two children in one of the Homes for a year). They pay their rent, and have been able to restock with provisions. They now earn up to rps.500 (£5) per day.
Annie felt deeply that God sent the money for a particular family, and she had to choose the right one.
She said “Thank You very much, Olivia for the wonderful gift … You have become a miracle in their life. You have given them the security and dignity to live a respectful life”.
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