Before they left for India, the PHS team had raised money to fund a medical camp in Komal, a village in rural India. Annie organised this, and sent us a brief report and some photos:
The village Head came to start the event with a speech. Omega spoke on our behalf about the charity and about Poynton High School. We conducted the camp in a local church, where the pastor and some of his congregation helped us in every way possible: distributing leaflets, making announcements, and cooking lunch and teas for the medical team.
Ten specialists from Vinayaka hospital, and five assistants, attended the camp treating people and distributing free medicines. The camp started at about 1.30 pm and in the following five and half hours nearly 400 people from 18 nearby villages, who live below the poverty line, and who otherwise have no access to medical facilities, received treatment.
We cannot thank the staff and students of Poynton High School enough for the commitment they have shown over so many years, and the difference this has made to so many people.
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