Annie (the trustee of our Indian partner charity) has recently sent us an update on our projects in India. We’ve included some photos below.

Karate at Joy

All of the children at Joy are doing well. Recently the girls studying at Joy Home have been learning Karate, with Annie organising for an instructor to come in and teach them weekly. The sport promotes self-discipline, and builds strength and agility. Annie is particularly keen as it helps instill values of hard work and respect – meaning lots of good behaviour in the children’s homes.  

Four of the children took part in the district competition, with all four of them winning! One of the children has been selected to compete in the Chennai state-wide competition! We’re looking forward to hearing how they get on!

School supplies

Every year India Direct funds the education fees for all the children in our care. Over 115 children are provided with an education local to them, along with the books and supplies they need. Each year Annie provides them with a book bag, textbooks, and writing materials. They also get a school uniform if this is required.

This September was no different, with the annual donation of hundreds of school supplies to children cared for by India Direct. This year we were also able to provide some additional games and toys for use with friends, to stay fit and active.

Current State of Homes

As many of our supporters will know, India Direct’s work previously focused on two large children’s homes in Chennai, South East India. These were closed due to government orders during the pandemic. During that time, our work transitioned to support in the communities around the homes – still providing care and support to over 115 children and 20 widows in the community.

Currently, the children remain at home with their families. They are provided monthly food & welfare supplies, the cost of their education is met and we have regular contact to ensure their welfare. As part of these welfare checks, we are currently conducting monthly ‘camps’ at our two children’s homes – Joy & Bethel. Provisions are able to be given at these camps, for both the children and their relatives if required. Each child is met individually and any concerns addressed, including a health check up.

We aim to reopen Joy home soon, likely with a smaller number of children ‘resident’. Working with LCCT (partner charity in India) we aim to continue to support as many children in their own homes as possible.


In addition to the plans to reopen Joy Home for children to live their, our partner charity LCCT is working towards opening either an English-medium primary school in one of the buildings at Joy Home, or possibly a technical college. This proposal is currently in its early stages and they are currently fundraising for their start-up capital. If you would like more information please contact us on