June brings the start of the new academic year in Tamil Nadu, and it was with great pride that the PHS India Project team sent out the first Scholarship Fund payment to LCCT at the end of May.
They waited in eager anticipation for Annie to send news of the very first recipient, but when her email finally arrived they were rather confused. There seemed to be a long list of names, and the team were not at all sure which student was actually being supported! Another email to Annie, and the mystery was finally solved. Poynton High School is actually supporting not one, but thirteen students to go in to higher and further education!
The list includes students of Mechanical Engineering, Tamil, English, Commerce, History, Nursing, Mathematics, Zoology, Electronics, and a beautician! Annie explained: “None of them wanted to go to a really expensive institution, so I could pay for thirteen of them to go!”
As ever we are impressed with how Annie manages to wring the greatest benefit she can out of the support she is given. We look forward to hearing about the progress of the PIP Scholars over the next few years!