Our friends from Poynton High School have supported the children of Bethel and Joy Children’s Homes tirelessly since 2005, and during that time have donated around £30,000+ to India Direct. But since their trip to Tamil Nadu this summer, they have been working on a new, long term commitment, which will really make a life changing difference to some of the children.
The students heard about young people just like themselves, who are coming to the end of their school years, and are ready to move on to the next stage. They know from personal experience how making the right choice after finishing school is a really life changing decision. But sadly, India Direct cannot currently offer the same options as the PHS students enjoy, as sending young people from Bethel and Joy Homes to Further or Higher Education is an expense we cannot commit to funding.
So, the PHS India Project Team have offered to make the long term commitment to creating a Scholarship Fund! Every year they will offer one child the chance to go to university to study for a degree, or up to three children the chance to follow a vocational course like nursing, motor mechanics, or catering. This is a huge undertaking, as it will mean the school is committed to raising £3500 per year once the scheme is in full swing.
We cannot say what a difference this will make to some of the brightest children in our Homes, offering them the brightest future possible!