Grace Nadin-Salter recently gave 6 talks to Year 7 (aged 11-12) students at St. Edward’s Junior High School in Leek, Staffordshire. The students heard all about India Direct, the work we do in India and watched a video made by Annie and Omega about life for a poor child in the villages of India.
The students asked many extremely intelligent and provoking questions which Grace thought showed a maturity way beyond their years. Grace gave them an (optional!) homework to design a hut for a family in a typical village, and here are three of the best designs:

Hut Design

Lizzie Claydon
Students were only able to use materials that they would naturally find in their environment to build their hut. I think you will agree that the results are creative!
Mrs. Rutter’s form are sponsoring a child from Joy whose mother features in our Widows page. Please read about her (Venila) to find out about her desperate story.
Grace received a lovely thank you card from St. Edward’s:
“Dear Grace and India Direct,
On behalf of all the children you came to visit in Yr 7 and my form 6M, we wnat to thank you for arrangin our sposor child and are very excited in building links and raising money for your charity. A number of the children are interested in the fun run and raising money through cake stalls to help support the children in the orphange. Your talk really helped support our Hinduism topic and opened up their eyes to the reality of poverty in the world today. We want to thank you again.
With God’s blessing,
St. Edward’s Junior High, Leek”