Omega, one of our Indian partners visited the UK for two weeks from the 5th October. His aim was to ‘talk to as many people as possible about the charity’ whilst he was here. He visited many places, including London, Manchester, Buxton, Wales – and sampled a wide variety of English cuisine! The unseasonable warm weather at the beginning of October was a welcome surprise for all of us during his visit.

Paul Nadin-Salter and Omega discussing photography in Buxton
Omega was able to offer personal insights and real-life stories at talks given by Grace Nadin-Salter to a class of Year 4 children at Christ the King School in Macclesfield, Rock Solid youth group at Holy Trinity Hurdsfield church and at a small gathering at her home. He also spoke to many people on his travels and hopes to gain more sponsors and donors for the charity. Thank you Omega for your enthusiasm and boundless energy!
Omega works as a professional photographer in Chennai, India: He gives up one week a month to travel down to Joy Children’s Home – six hours’ drive away, where he works with the staff and children alongside Annie. They admit new children, try to help as many people who visit the home as possible and sadly have to turn many away empty-handed which breaks both their hearts.
Whilst in India, Grace and Paul were treated to royal Kerulan feast prepared by Omega’s wife Bersheba. It was delicious! We were happy to return the favour by treating Omega to venison – a meat he had never tried before.
We look forward to Omega’s photos, videos and reports appearing on this site in the near future.