[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Many people care about injustice and suffering, and want to find a charity they can trust with their money to make a difference in the lives of the poor. India Direct does just that. We work in partnership with the ‘Love and Care Charitable Trust’ of South India, comprising three Indian Trustees, Annie, Pastor Martin and Omega, all volunteers. Our main function is to raise funds to support LCCT and to provide advice and encouragement in the running of their projects. As our partners are work within the Indian communities we support, they are able to target resources and projects effectively to meet local needs. All money donated goes directly towards the projects, with 100% accountability. Members of the charity regularly travel to India to oversee our projects, paying the cost of transport themselves.
Here you can learn more about the projects we are involved in, including how you could help.
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Children’s Homes
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Our two Children’s Homes, Joy & Bethel, remain our single biggest project. We look after over 130 children, providing them with a safe home, food and an education.
To provide regular support for our children, Sponsor a Child
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Widows’ Program
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Many widows in India face extreme poverty, discrimination and inhumane treatment. When her husband dies, a widow loses all social status and her in-laws often withdraw any support from her.
India Direct aims to change this. We sponsor widows to support themselves, find employment and become self-sufficient once again. Providing them with the security, health and support they need in the short term, to enable them to make their life better for themselves in the long term.
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Low Cost Homes
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Many of the children we care for have parents who live in buildings which are unsuitable. Many local villagers are in a similar position. The huts let water in during the rainy season, allow vermin to access sleeping areas and do not protect the families who live inside them.
By building low cost, brick built homes, we aim to alleviate suffering for some of India’s poorest people. You could help us in this project.
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Business Start Up Loans
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Our main aim is always to ensure the people we help do not become reliant upon our aid and donations. We aim to provide donations which help in the short term, but provide for a lasting, long-term solution to their lives.
Small business loans enable those in need to provide themselves with a lasting source of income, and a step out of poverty.
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