Annie, Matin and Omega work tirelessly every Christmas to provide an amazing time for all our children and widows at Joy and Bethel. This year, you raised nearly £3000 to pay for this mammoth achievement. The children each receive a new outfit, travel expenses for their parents to join them for a special chicken biryani meal, a gift and a visit from Santa Claus. It was so great to see Johnson on the photos alive and well.
Our widows really need your help. If you can sponsor a widow it makes such a difference to their lives. They can pay their hut rent, buy food and put their children through school in a uniform and with books. Jobs are hard to come by for widows, due to the stigma of widowhood. We are working to try to find ways to employ our widows – possiby through micro loans for small businesses, buying them cows or chickens. If you are interested in this or would like to help, please get in touch.
The children love to entertain each other and their guests, so they always put on a special show! The cards you sent to India will be put up around the children’s homes and treasured by those who receive personal ones from their sponsors. These will be squirrelled away in their trunks and cupboards. A brief note from the UK always brings a huge smile!
Thank so much to all our sponsors and supporters for giving our children a Christmas. We so appreciate you all!