
Christmas Direct


46 in stock

Give a child the greatest gift you can.

We’ll send you a pre-paid envelope and card through the post which you can then fill in and put in the regular UK post – to a child in one of our two children’s homes in Chennai, South East, India.

100% of the money raised will go directly towards providing a Christmas for a child who lives in one of India Direct’s two children’s homes.



46 in stock

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We know, it seems like a lot of money for one card. But it’s not just a card!

Buy a Christmas Direct card from us and provide a complete Christmas for a child from Bethel or Joy Home. Your £15 will provide a new outfit, a small gift, and a party, including a celebration meal for the children and for any surviving family. It is not easy for the family to visit, so you will also be paying for their transport on the day.

Not only that, but you send the card to the Homes, so each child has something to open on Christmas morning, which tells them you were thinking of them. You can send photos of your family and the children love opening them on Christmas morning!

The last date for purchasing a Christmas Direct card is the 5th December (in time for you to post the card to India before the 8th December). 



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